
CSS/CSS3 and XHTML/HTML developer, HTML5 Developer, jQuery Worshiper


Configuration of ElasticSearch on windows machine

Hi, I try to find the installation process for elasticSearch, but didn't get a right way to install, after along search on google i got below link: looked helpful but still very tricky and a lot of effort Recently in my project, I got stuck while installing elasticsearch plugin on windows machine. ElasticSearch is built using...

by Umar


Placeholder in html5

HTML5 has made the page designing an easy task. Placeholder is input field improvement in html5. Things that we were doing in past using combination of HTML and client side scripting language can be done in HTML5 using an attribute. One of the example is placeholder attribute used with input type text which automatically puts the...

by Umar


Change Input Type auto focus

This is little bit but it is very useful. This is input type equalto text when when cursor come in input then change type equalto password. Embed in html [java] <input type="text" onblur="javascript:if(this.value==''){this.value='password',this.type='text'} else {this.type='password'}"...

by Umar


Audio html5

Audio tag is a html 5 element. You can play audio file on web page without any third party plug-in. This will work only on html5 compliant browser. Flash player is widely used to play audio and video files on web. There are some third party plug-ins likes Flash Player, QuickTime, Real Player etc available for this. The main...

by Umar


Local Storage (html5)

HTML5 storage provides a way for websites to store information on your computer and retrieve it later. The concept is similar to cookies, but cookies do not store larger quantities of data. Cookies are limited in size, and your browser sends a request to the web server every time a new request is initiated (which takes extra time and...

by Umar


clearfix css hack

The clearfix hack, or “easy-clearing” hack, is a useful method of clearing float(left, right) effort. The clearfix hack works great, but the browsers that it targets are either obsolete or well on their way. Specifically, Internet Explorer 5 for Mac is now history, so there is no reason to bother with it when using the clearfix...

by Umar


Video Tag in HTML 5

Video define new element in html 5. video play without third party plugins as Apple Quict Time and Adobe Flash player.The video element is dectect to be usable without any detection script. You can specify multi video file and browser that support html 5 video use choose the base on what video format they support. this use tag in html ...

by Umar



The HTML <canvas> tag is used for creating graphics on the fly. It can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images.   To draw on the canvas, the <canvas> tag is used in conjunction with the getContext(contextId) method.   Any content between the <canvas></canvas> tags is...

by Umar


Images rotation and div rotation by CSS Transforms

The CSS transform property allows developers to rotate, scale, and skew blocks of HTML via CSS. Although you can do the same thing with images in Photoshop or The GIMP, using CSS transforms allows developers to do the same thing with any HTML markup and allows users to select the text within the transformed object. I saw the design...

by Umar


Rounded corner and CSS3 Gradient with border

First download these files: You can round corner DIV, LI tags and others You add a class where you want round corner Add this CSS: .cornerBox ul...

by Umar


Accessing remote fonts on Client’s system by @font-face

@font-face allows authors to specify online fonts to display text on their web pages. By allowing authors to provide their own fonts. We Use it I.We choose  font and  we have right now. First of all  font format generate four another format as like(ttf, eot,otf,svg,woff) and upload server where we access. II. Create in css...

by Umar