Application Security, DevOps

Preventing cryptographic protocols from “DROWN attack”

DROWN is an abbreviation for Decrypting RSA with Obsolete and Weakened encryption and is seems to be applicable on servers using SSLV2. Just like Heartbleed, it may impact more than 11 million websites using OpenSSL.This blog explains Preventing cryptographic protocols from "DROWN attack". What this vulnerability can do? DROWN...

by Ankit Giri
Tag: vulnerability

Application Security

Malvertising: The dark side of Advertising

Ever faced a situation when you click on an advertisement, nothing happens and you are just redirected to a random strange website which you do not like or probably, as soon as you click an ad, numerous pop-ups come up and close automatically. There's a good chance that you might have clicked on a 'malvertisement'. In this blog, we will...

by Nikhit Kumar
Tag: vulnerability

Application Security, Technology

Preventing Brute Force attacks due to OpenSSH Vulnerability (MaxAuthTries bypass)

About OpenSSH OpenSSH is an open-source suite of programs that helps us to secure network communications by encrypting the network traffic over many authentication methods and it provides secure tunneling. It eliminates eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other such attacks. Let's learn Preventing Brute Force attacks due to...

by Ankit Giri
Tag: vulnerability

Application Security, Technology

OpenSSL Vulnerability (CVE-2015-1793) and Remediation

A high-severity vulnerability was announced by OpenSSL. This vulnerability is marked as CVE-2015-1793. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures is a system that provides a reference-method for publicly known security vulnerabilities and exposures. This blog explains OpenSSL Vulnerability (CVE-2015-1793) and Remediation. OpenSSL Team released...

by Ankit Giri
Tag: vulnerability