Australia | Entertainment Providers
The Lottery Corporation (TLC) is Australia’s largest lottery company offering exciting games that deliver life-changing wins to customers and make a meaningful difference in the community.
Built & enhanced various features for web app & Android
Provided a seamless user experience across devices
Reduced go-to-market time by optimizing the build process
TO THE NEW leveraged its deep expertise in the mobility domain to design and develop comprehensive web and mobile apps for The Lottery Corporation.
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build high quality
To build high-quality web and mobile applications
Address latency
To address latency & performance issues faced with AWS Workspaces
top-notch experience
To ensure a top-notch experience on tablets and desktops
The Solution
TO THE NEW leveraged its deep expertise in the mobility domain to design and develop comprehensive web and mobile apps for The Lottery Corporation.
Revamped Maintenance
Revamped their maintenance landing page & moved from AWS S3 Bucket to NetStorage-Akamai
Build Process
Streamlined the build process, addressing performance issues and reducing time to market
Ensured compatibility of the newly developed application with older web browsers
Developed and enhanced various features for a better user experience
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Value Delivered
TO THE NEW helped TLC overcome challenges to deliver a seamless wagering experience:

Significantly reduced crash rate to 0.27% through improved CI/CD processes

Achieved faster GTM with reduced build times and minimized errors in every build or deployment

Implemented new features on Android, resulting in a 4.7/5 star rating for the app