Our Story

We started with a bunch of passionate techies in 2008, and now have grown into a family of 2500+ Newers, spread across our six locations - Singapore, New Delhi, Dehradun, Dubai, New Jersey, and Sydney catering to over 300 customers worldwide.

In 2008, when the entire world was staring at one of the biggest depressions, we came into being. Our birth in the toughest of the times helped us in two ways - first, we had to be very cutting-edge with a clear differentiating factor, and second, we had to have very strong values and culture to attract and retain top-notch talent.

Founding Team
Noida Office

We started working with internet product companies and ISVs who used to engage us for our engineering strength, agility (read Scrum!), and nimbleness. Within a span of a few years, we got a chance to work with many product companies (some of them from Silicon Valley). This gave us a very good experience of the digital ecosystem and how great products are designed and developed which are meant for global audiences. All this while, we kept investing in new-age technologies, including Cloud and Data.

Somewhere down the lane, we started working with large enterprises providing them digital transformation services. We soon became a preferred partner of many enterprises, possibly because there are not many technology service providers who understand digital, have processes of a mature company, and the agility of a start-up.

During the journey, we won many awards, set-up various Practices, set-up offices outside India and won customers across 25+ countries.

We have been growing at a CAGR of more than 50% in the last 5 years and we attribute it to our people. We have been achieving the Great Place to WorkTM recognition every year, with 2023 marking our 8th win in a row, only a testament to our focus on employees.

Our Journey So Far

We started our journey in 2008, and we have come a long way from there. Here's a glimpse of our many firsts, our biggest milestones, and our celebrations through the years

Our Values

We are quite vocal and fanatical about our values

  • Authenticity
    • I mean what I say and do
    • I own my mistakes and weaknesses
  • People Centricity
    People Centricity
    • I value collaboration and teamwork
    • Happiness, fulfillment, and growth of people matter to me
  • Customer Focus
    Customer Focus
    • I work with a nimble mindset
    • I do whatever it takes to meet the customer needs
  • Complete Ownership
    Complete Ownership
    • The buck stops with me
    • I focus on solution, not the problem
  • Continuous Improvement
    Continuous Improvement
    • I invest in learning new skills
    • I frequently think ways to improve efficiency and productivity