
Grails Stats

Here I am going to share one of the cool grails command that I discovered today i.e “grails stats”. This command provides basic statistics about the current grails application including the number of files and lines of code. So, I tried this command in my grails project and see what I got. > grails stats Anybody looking at...


Debugging in IntelliJ IDEA: Part 1

IntelliJ IDEA provides a handy debugger for grails, which simplifies debugging. Many people try avoiding using this awesome feature just because, either, they don't want to leave the old habit of using printlns or they complain about the performance issue, and bla bla bla. As per my observation, there is no performance difference between...


Using AngularJS with Grails app… my first impression

In my current grails application, we have started using the AngularJS after realizing that the GSP template engine is a bit slow. Now, I realize how efficient AngularJS can be, and think of sharing my first impressions while using AngularJS with grails app. Following are some of the reasons, that I find, makes AngularJS stands out: ...