AngularJS, Experience Design

FE-Conf is Back: A Leading Conference on Frontend and UX Technologies

FE-Conf is one of the biggest conference happening in India on state-of-the-art Frontend and UX technologies. After the success of FE-Conf 2016, we are proud to host FE-Conf 2017 - A Frontend Engineers Meet organized by TO THE NEW. Our last conference had an amazing feedback and it helped people to find new ideas, learn from...

by Kavita Upadhyay
Tag: front-end


Difference b/w Display:inline and inline-block

The CSS property "Display" is very useful and commonly used property of CSS which contains lots of values. In this blog we'll talk about only "display:inline" and "display:inline-block". We generally use both these properties to allow other elements to sit to their left and right but it has some difference which is explained below. ...

by Kapil Chotwani
Tag: front-end

AngularJS, Front End Development

AngularJS: Implementing Routes And Multiple Views

We have already seen the concept of routes and multiple views in my previous blog. Now let's see how to implement it in code. To implement the concept of routing in AngularJS, we need to create modules. Inside a module config, we can define routes. [javascript] File : js/modules.js angular.module('videoModule', []). ...

by raj
Tag: front-end