
Writing JSON APIs : Part I – Creating a secure JSON API with Grails and Spring Security in 3 easy steps

We had a requirement in a recent project to expose some of the functionality we had via a JSON API. The functionality needed to be secure, as was the initial web interface which exposed the functionality. We were using Spring Security for the security aspect of our application. The spring security plugin, together with a secured...

by Vivek Krishna
Tag: spring security


Grails Spring Security Plugin: User Switcher

If you are using Grails Spring Security in your application, one killer functionality that we can easily provide is a simple user switcher Add this to your admin layout: [html] <sec:ifAllGranted roles='ROLE_ADMIN'> <form action='/j_spring_security_switch_user' method='POST'> Switch:...

by Himanshu Seth
Tag: spring security