Application Security, Technology

Deadliest Web Attacks and How to Shield from Them

Do you think your web application is sheltered and safe? Think again! 2016 was a year which saw a portion of the most exceedingly awful digital assaults whether it be the 32 lakh Indian bank debit/credit cards data traded off or Mark Zuckerberg himself getting his Twitter and Pinterest accounts hacked. Cyber Attacks are continuously...

by Naman Goel
Tag: SQL Injection Attack


Handling of Different Injection Attacks in Grails

While implementing Security in my Sample Application I have read various types of Injection attacks that an application may suffer. Reference: Grails In Action 1. SQL Injection Attack: def username="gautam" Post.findAll(" from Post as post WHERE post.user.username='${username}' ") This Query uses a local username property to...

by Gautam Malhotra
Tag: SQL Injection Attack