Cloud, DevOps

[Infographic] 6 Powerful AWS Services to Boost your Cloud Performance

With over a decade into the market, AWS continues to dominate the public cloud infrastructure space by a sizable margin. Most companies have migrated to AWS with a clear mindset to reap the benefits of cloud services such as increased agility, improved efficiency, accelerated development and cost efficiency. However, many businesses still...

by Anuradha Ishwaran
Tag: AWS CloudFormation

AWS, Technology

Accelerate your Cloud Performance using these 6 Uncommon AWS Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been the trailblazer in the cloud computing market since 2006 with its IaaS and PaaS offerings. It currently owns a lion’s share in the public cloud computing market ahead of other competitors like IBM, Microsoft, and Google; and continues to grow its offerings with continuous innovation. In the recent...

by Anuradha Ishwaran
Tag: AWS CloudFormation

AWS, DevOps

Launching an AWS EC2 instance using CloudFormation Template

AWS CloudFormation is a  service which gives us the flexibility to manage and provision our AWS resources. It gives us the option to choose sample templates or to design our custom templates to launch and provision the resources. It also gives the option of AWS CloudFormation Designer using which the templates are visualized. I have...

by Mohit Dayal Gupta
Tag: AWS CloudFormation

AWS, DevOps

Using AWS CloudFormer to create template of existing infrastructure

AWS CloudFormer is a template creation tool and it creates AWS CloudFormation template from our existing resources in AWS account. We can select any supported AWS resources that are running in our account, and CloudFormer creates a template in an Amazon S3 bucket. We will be using AWS CloudFormer to create template of existing...

by Ankit Giri
Tag: AWS CloudFormation