CSS Interview Puzzles:Common Tricky CSS Questions and Answers

20 / Sep / 2023 by eram.fatima 0 comments


CSS skills are vital for web developers, especially during tech job interviews. These interviews often include tough CSS questions to gauge a candidate’s understanding and problem-solving abilities. In this article, we’ll unravel common tricky CSS interview questions, empowering you to approach interviews with confidence.

● Minimum Required Properties for z-index:

  • The minimum requirement for the z-index property is to assign a numerical value, indicating the stacking order of an element concerning other elements.

● Targeting the 3rd and Second Last Child in CSS:

  • To target the 3rd child: :nth-child(3)
  • To target the second last child: :nth-last-child(2)

Setting Opacity to 50%:

  • Use opacity: 0.5; to set the opacity to 50%.

● Preventing Background Repetition and Default Value of Position Attribute:

  • To prevent background repetition: background-repeat: no-repeat;
  • Default value of position attribute: static

● Setting Heights in a Table:

  • Use the height property on td or the elements in the table to set their heights.

● Inheritance in Sass:

  • Sass allows inheritance using the @extend directive, enabling a selector to inherit styles from another selector.

● Opening Links in a New Tab:

  • Use the target=”_blank” attribute in the <a> tag to open the link in a new tab.

● Spinning an Object with CSS:

  • Use transform: rotate() to spin an object. For example, transform: rotate(45deg);.

● Equalizing Heights of Elements of Different Sizes:

  • Achieving equal heights for different-sized elements in CSS alone is challenging without using JavaScript.
  • Flexbox or CSS Grid can visually align their heights, but actual equal heights typically require JavaScript.

● Types of Borders in CSS:

  • The three main types of borders in CSS are solid, dotted, and dashed.

● Targeting Every Element on a Web Page:

  • Use the universal selector * to target every element.

● Hiding an Element but Maintaining Space:

  • Use visibility: hidden or opacity: 0 to hide an element while still occupying space.

● Understanding Universal Selectors:

  • The universal selector * targets every element on a web page.

● Creating Responsive Images:

  • Utilize max-width: 100% on the image to ensure responsiveness.

● PNG Images and Their Usage:

  • PNG images are used for their ability to support transparency and lossless compression.

● Importance of the Alt Attribute for Images:

  • The alt attribute provides alternative text for images, enhancing accessibility and SEO.

● Understanding Nesting in CSS:

  • Nesting in CSS preprocessors like Sass allows for cleaner, more maintainable code by nesting selectors within each other.

● Creating an Infinite Animation Loop:

  • Use animation-iteration-count: infinite; to loop an animation infinitely.

● Minimum Required Properties for ::before and ::after Pseudo-elements:

  • Content and display are the minimum required properties for:: before and:: after pseudo-elements.

● Creating a Circular Object with CSS:

  • Use border-radius: 50%; to create a circle shape.

● Aligning Items of Different Heights in a Row from the Bottom using Flexbox:

  • Employ align-self: flex-end; on each item to align them from the bottom.

● Difference Between margin-left and transform: translate():

  • margin-left creates space between the element and adjacent elements, while transform: translateX() moves the element within its own space.

● Achieving Equal Height for Different Divs:

  • Equating the heights of different divs in CSS alone can be challenging. Techniques like flexbox or CSS Grid can visually align their heights, but JavaScript is often necessary for true equal heights.

● Understanding Box Shadow:

  • Box shadow has three values: horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur radius, and an optional spread distance.

● Hiding an Element Using Display Property:

  • To hide an element while still occupying space, use display: none;. However, this completely removes the element from the document flow.

● Exploring Universal Selectors:

  • The universal selector * selects all elements on a page, allowing for global styling.

● Creating Equal Height Divs:

  • Achieving truly equal height for different divs in CSS without JavaScript is challenging. CSS Grid can be a solution for a fixed number of elements, but JavaScript is often necessary for a dynamic number of elements.

● Handling Transform Translate and Margin Left:

  • While margin-left adds space between the element and adjacent elements, transform: translateX() moves the element within its own space without affecting adjacent elements.

● Ensuring Infinite Animations:

  • To make an animation infinite and loop continuously, use animation-iteration-count: infinite;.

● Creating Circular Shapes:

  • Apart from border-radius: 50%;, you can also use clip-path or shape-outside properties to create circular shapes.

● Handling Flexbox Alignment:

  • To align items of varying heights at the bottom of a row using Flexbox, set align-items: flex-end; on the parent container.

● Understanding CSS Margins and Translate Properties:

  •  margin-left creates space on the left side of an element, affecting the positioning of adjacent elements. Conversely, transform: translateX() moves the element within its own space without impacting adjacent elements.


Mastering CSS interview questions involves understanding core concepts and developing problem-solving skills. By familiarizing yourself with these challenging questions and practicing their solutions, you’ll boost your confidence and readiness for CSS-related interviews. Use this knowledge to showcase your capabilities and excel in your web development career.


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