Twig Templates in Drupal

23 / Jan / 2024 by Eram Fatima 0 comments


In web development, creating dynamic and engaging user interfaces is paramount. Drupal, a robust and flexible content management system, leverages the Twig templating engine to achieve this goal. Twig, known for its simplicity, security, and readability, seamlessly integrates with Drupal, offering developers a powerful tool for crafting dynamic and visually appealing websites. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Twig templates, exploring their usage in Drupal, providing practical examples, and highlighting the advantages that make them indispensable in the Drupal development ecosystem.

Introduction to Twig in Drupal

Twig was officially introduced to Drupal in version 8, replacing the previous template engine, PHPTemplate. This shift marked a significant leap forward in terms of syntax clarity, separation of concerns, and overall developer experience. Twig templates in Drupal are designed to be more readable and maintainable, fostering a cleaner separation between logic and presentation.

Key Features of Twig in Drupal

Clear and Concise Syntax: Twig’s syntax is intentionally designed for simplicity. Its clear and concise structure enhances code readability and makes it accessible to developers at all skill levels.

Security: Twig strongly emphasizes security by automatically escaping variables, reducing the risk of common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Integration with Drupal Entities: Twig seamlessly integrates with Drupal entities, allowing developers to fetch and display content easily. This integration simplifies the rendering of dynamic data in templates.

Extensibility: Developers can extend Twig’s functionality in Drupal by creating custom filters, functions, and macros, providing flexibility and customization to suit project-specific requirements.

How to Use Twig in Drupal

  1. Enabling Twig Debugging:

To harness the full power of Twig in Drupal, enable Twig debugging. This feature provides valuable insights into template suggestions, making it easier to override and customize templates.

{# Enable Twig debugging in development environment #}
{% if is_dev %}
      _debug_create_link = true,
      _debug_file_link = true
      _debug_autof_reload = true,
      _debug_template = true
      _debug_load = true,
      _debug_render = true,
      _debug_profiler = true
{% endif %}
  1. Theming Drupal Content:

Twig simplifies the process of theming Drupal content. For example, to override the default node template, create a file named node–content-type.html.twig:

{# Override node template for a specific content type #}
<article{{ attributes }}>
  <h2>{{ label }}</h2>
  {{ content.body }}
  1. Using Twig Filters:

Twig filters enhance the presentation of data. For instance, applying the date filter to format a date field:

{# Format date field using Twig filter #}
{{ node.field_date|date('m/d/Y') }}
  1. Conditionals and Loops:

Twig simplifies the implementation of conditionals and loops. An example of rendering a list of items:

{# Loop through and render a list of items #}
  {% for item in items %}
    <li>{{ item.title }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

Twig templates, shedding light on advanced techniques that enhance Drupal theming and contribute to the creation of dynamic and engaging web experiences let’s delve deeper into its capabilities by exploring a variety of examples.

 Conditional Rendering:
{# Conditional rendering based on content field #}
{% if node.field_image.value %}
<img src="{{ file_url(node.field_image.entity.uri.value) }}" alt="{{ node.title.value }}">
{% endif %}
Looping Through Multiple Fields:
{# Loop through and render multiple fields #}
{% for item in node.field_multiple_items %}
<div>{{ item.value }}</div>
{% endfor %}
Linking to Content:
{# Link to the full content of a node #}
<a href="{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node':}) }}">{{ node.title.value }}</a>
Using Filters for Formatting:
{# Format a date field using the date filter #}
{{ node.field_date.value|date('F j, Y') }}
Checking User Roles:{# Check if the user has a specific role #}
{% if 'administrator' in user.getRoles() %}
<p>You are an administrator.</p>
{% endif %}
Custom Field Formatting:
{# Custom formatting for a numeric field #}
{% set price = node.field_price.value %}
<p>{{ price is empty ? 'Price not available' : 'Price: $' ~ price }}</p>
Using Macros for Reusability: 
{# Define a Twig macro for a common UI element #}
{% macro alert(message, type) %}
<div class="alert alert-{{ type }}">{{ message }}</div>
{% endmacro %}

{# Use the macro #}
{{ _self.alert('This is a warning', 'warning') }}
Checking Node Type:
{# Check if the node is of a specific content type #}
{% if node.getType() == 'article' %}
<p>This is an article.</p>
{% endif %}
Including Other Templates:
{# Include a header template #}
{% include '@themesubtheme/includes/header.html.twig' %}
Working with Views:
{# Loop through Views results #}
{% for row in view.result %}
<div>{{ row.content['#row'] }}</div>
{% endfor %}

Advantages of Using Twig in Drupal

  1. Readability and Maintainability:

Twig’s syntax emphasizes readability, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain templates. The clear separation of logic and presentation enhances code readability and reduces the likelihood of errors.

  1. Enhanced Security:

Twig’s auto-escaping of variables significantly reduces the risk of XSS attacks, providing an added layer of security to Drupal applications. This built-in security feature contributes to the overall robustness of Drupal websites.

  1. Seamless Integration with Drupal:

Twig seamlessly integrates with Drupal entities and content as the officially supported templating engine in Drupal. This integration simplifies the theming process, allowing developers to render and display dynamic data efficiently.

  1. Extensibility for Customization:

Twig’s extensibility allows developers to create custom filters, functions, and macros, offering a high degree of customization. This flexibility enables developers to tailor templates to specific project requirements.


Twig templates have become an integral part of the Drupal developer’s toolkit, transforming the theming experience and enhancing the overall efficiency of Drupal websites. With its focus on simplicity, security, and extensibility, Twig empowers developers to create visually stunning and dynamic user interfaces while maintaining a clean and maintainable codebase. As you embark on your Drupal development journey, embracing Twig templates will undoubtedly contribute to the success of your projects, ensuring a seamless blend of creativity and functionality.

Check out our other blog posts for more insights. Happy reading!


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