Java Transformation from Java 7 to Java 18

25 / Sep / 2022 by Ankit Sagar 0 comments

A lot has changed in Java from its beginnings in 1995 until today. Java 8 was a revolutionary release that put Java back on the pedestal of the best programming languages.

We will go through most of the changes in the Java language that happened from Java 8 in 2014 until today. I will try to be as brief as possible on every feature. The intention is to have a reference for all features between Java 8 and Java 18 inclusively.

Java 8

Java 8 was a massive release, and you can find a list of all features at the Oracle website. There are two main feature sets I’d like to mention here:

1. Language Features: Lambdas

Before Java 8, whenever you wanted to instantiate, for example, a new Runnable, you had to write an anonymous inner class like so:

With lambdas, the same code looks like this:

You also got method references, repeating annotations, default methods for interfaces and a few other language features.

2. Collections & Streams

In Java 8 you also got functional-style operations for collections, also known as the Stream API. A quick example:

Now pre-Java 8 you basically had to write for-loops to do something with that list.

With the Streams API, you can do the following:

Java 9


Collections got a couple of new helper methods to easily construct Lists, Sets, and Maps.


Streams got a couple of additions, in the form of takeWhile,dropWhile,iterate methods.


Optionals got the sorely missed ifPresentOrElse method.


Interfaces got private methods:

Java 10

Local-Variable Type Inference: var-keyword

P.S. It is still strongly typed, and only applies to variables inside methods.

Java 11

New String Methods

Adds a few new methods to the String class: isBlank, lines, strip, stripLeading, stripTrailing, and repeat.

New File Methods

it’s now easier to read and write Strings from files

Java 12

Switch Expressions

Firstly, let’s look and at the old syntax:

And now, let’s see the same logic with switch expressions:

It’s also possible to execute code in switch expressions without returning any value:

Java 13

Multiline Strings

We can finally do this in Java:

Java 14

Switch Expressions


There are now record classes, which help alleviate the pain of writing a lot of boilerplate with Java.

Have a look at this pre Java 14 class, which only contains data, (potentially) getters/setters, equals/hashcode, toString.

With records, it can now be written like this:

P.S. this is a preview feature and subject to change in future releases.

Helpful NullPointerExceptions

Finally NullPointerExceptions describe exactly which variable was null.

Pattern Matching For InstanceOf 

Previously we had to (cast) our objects inside an instanceof like this

We can now do this, effectively dropping the cast.

Garbage Collectors

The Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector has been removed, and the experimental Z Garbage Collector has been added.

Java 15

Text-Blocks / Multiline Strings

Sealed Classes

This means that while the class is public, the only classes allowed to subclass Shape are Circle, Rectangle and Square.

Java 16

Vector API Incubator

The idea of this API is to provide a means of vector computations that will ultimately be able to perform more optimally (on supporting CPU architectures) than the traditional scalar method of computations.

Let’s look at how we multiply two arrays using vector:

Java 17

Java 17 is the new long-term support (LTS) release of Java, after Java 11.

Passing Objects as switch functions and check for a particular type.

Java 18

@snippet Tag

@snippet tag, specifically designed to display source code. With the @snippet tag, we can write the comment as follows:

Pattern Matching Improvements:

Pattern matching simplifies the implementation of the common pattern of matching an object against a pattern. For example, you may want to check if a given object is an instance of a particular type and then access it in a type-safe manner. This feature improves readability and increases code safety. Pattern matching can be used in switch statements.


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