Angular CLI: A Comprehensive Guide

25 / Jul / 2023 by Kashif Ali Khan 0 comments

In this blog post, we will take a comprehensive look at Angular CLI. We will cover the following topics:

  • What is Angular CLI?
  • How to install Angular CLI
  • Using Angular CLI to create an Angular application
  • Testing Angular applications with Angular CLI
  • Deploying Angular applications with Angular CLI

What is Angular CLI?

The Angular CLI is a command-line interface tool that can be used to create, develop, and maintain Angular applications. It is a free and open-source tool that is maintained by the Angular team at Google.

Angular CLI is an awesome tool that can really help you to save time and effort when developing Angular applications. It provides a number of features that make it easy to get started with Angular, including:

  • Scaffolding: Angular CLI can be used to generate the basic structure of an Angular application, including components, services, and modules.
  • Testing: Angular CLI provides a number of tools for testing Angular applications, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.
  • Deployment: Angular CLI can be used to deploy Angular applications to a variety of hosting platforms, including Firebase, Heroku, and AWS.

How to install Angular CLI

The following command can be used to install the Angular CLI:

  • npm install -g @angular/cli

Create an Angular application

Once CLI is installed, The following command can be used to create an App.

  • ng new my-app

This will create a new Angular application named my-app in the current directory. The my-app directory will contain the following files:

  • angular.json: This file contains the configuration for the Angular application.
  • package.json: This file contains the dependencies for the Angular application.
  • src: This directory contains the source code for the Angular application.

The src directory contains the following files:

  • app.component.ts:This file has the code for the AppComponent.
  • app.module.ts: This file contains the code for the AppModule module.
  • index.html: This file is the HTML template for the Angular application.
  • styles.css: This file contains the CSS styles for the Angular application.

Testing Angular applications with Angular CLI

Angular CLI provides a number of tools for testing Angular applications. These tools include:

  • Unit tests: Unit tests are used to test individual units of code, such as components, services, and modules.
  • Integration tests: Integration tests are used to test how different units of code interact with each other.
  • End-to-end tests: End-to-end tests are used to test the entire Angular application from start to finish.

To run unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, you can use the following commands:

  • ng test  – Run Unit test
  • ng e2e  – Run End 2 End test

Deploying Angular applications with Angular CLI

Angular CLI can be used to deploy Angular applications to various hosting platforms, including Firebase and AWS.

To deploy an Angular application to Firebase, you can use the following command:

ng deploy firebase

To deploy an Angular application to AWS, you can use the following command:

ng deploy aws


Overall, Angular CLI is a powerful tool that can be used to simplify the development of Angular applications. It provides a number of features that can save time and effort, and it can help to ensure that Angular applications are well-tested and up-to-date. Comment down your queries, if any.


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