Supercharge Your Drupal 9 Website with Custom Cache Bins

10 / Aug / 2023 by Rajveer Singh 0 comments

In Drupal 9, “cache bins” refer to a mechanism used to store and manage cached data. Caching is a technique employed by content management systems like Drupal to improve the performance of websites by storing frequently used data in memory or storage so that it can be retrieved faster when needed.

Drupal 9 utilizes a cache system that divides cached data into different “bins” based on their purpose or usage. Each cache bin represents a separate storage area for cached data. This separation allows Drupal to manage different types of cached data independently, improving efficiency and flexibility.

The core cache bins in Drupal 9 include:

  • ‘cache’ bin: This general-purpose cache bin stores various types of cached data. It’s used for content and data that are frequently requested but not specific to a particular purpose.
  • ‘config’ bin: This bin stores configuration-related cache data. Drupal configuration is cached to optimize performance, and this bin plays a role in that process.
  • ‘render’ bin: The ‘render’ cache bin stores pre-rendered content, such as rendered blocks and pages. This can significantly speed up the delivery of dynamic content.
  • ‘dynamic_page_cache’ bin: This bin is responsible for caching full HTML pages with dynamic parts excluded. It improves the response time for anonymous users.
  • Custom cache bins: In addition to the core cache bins, developers can create their own cache bins for specific purposes. For example, a module might define a custom cache bin to store data that doesn’t fit well into the existing bins.

Drupal provides an API that developers can use to interact with cache bins, including storing, retrieving, and clearing cached data. This allows them to control what data is cached, how it’s cached, and when it should be invalidated or cleared.

Using cache bins effectively is important for optimizing the performance of a Drupal website. By carefully selecting the appropriate cache bins and managing cache data properly, developers can improve page load times and overall user experience.

Certainly! Let’s dive deeper into the concept of custom cache bins in Drupal 9.

Custom cache bins are additional cache storage areas that developers can create to cater to specific needs that might not be adequately addressed by the core cache bins. These custom bins allow developers to have fine-grained control over caching for their module’s data, ensuring optimal performance and minimizing cache conflicts.

Here’s how you can create and use a custom cache bin in Drupal 9:

Defining a Custom Cache Bin:

In your module’s .services.yml file, you can define a custom cache bin like this:

class: Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
factory: ['@cache_factory', 'get']
arguments: ['my_custom_cache']

Using the Custom Cache Bin:

To use the custom cache bin in Drupal 9, you can do the following:

use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

class MyModuleService {

protected $customCache;

public function __construct(CacheBackendInterface $cache_backend) {
$this->customCache = $cache_backend->get('my_custom_cache');

public function storeData($key, $data) {
$this->customCache->set($key, $data, Cache::PERMANENT);

public function retrieveData($key) {
return $this->customCache->get($key)->data ?? NULL;

public function deleteData($key) {

Benefits of Custom Cache Bins: Creating custom cache bins offers several benefits:

  • Isolation: You can separate cached data related to your module from other modules, minimizing cache conflicts.
  • Fine-grained Control: You have full control over how data is cached, retrieved, and invalidated.
  • Optimization: You can optimize caching for your module’s specific use cases, improving performance.

When implementing a custom cache bin, it’s important to consider factors like cache granularity, data validity, and cache-clearing strategies. Custom cache bins are a powerful tool in a developer’s toolkit for fine-tuning caching mechanisms in Drupal 9 applications.

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