How to create a custom token in Drupal 8/9

29 / Aug / 2023 by Asheesh Kumar Pal 0 comments


Tokens are an essential feature in Drupal that allows you to dynamically insert data into various parts of your website, such as content, email templates, etc. While Drupal provides a set of default tokens, you might find yourself in a situation where you must create custom tokens to display specific information or improve the user experience. In this blog post, I walk you through the process of creating custom tokens in Drupal.

Step 1

Create a Custom Module Custom tokens are usually created within custom modules. If you haven’t already, create a custom module for your project.

Step 2

Define the Token In your custom module’s folder, locate the .module file (example: custom.module) and open it in a text editor. Now, define your custom token using the hook_token_info() function. Add the following code:

Step 3

Implement the Token Value Next, you need to implement the token’s value by defining a function that generates the required data. Add the following code to your .module file:

Step 4

Clear the Cache After defining your custom token and implementing its value, you need to clear Drupal’s cache to make the new token available. Go to “Configuration” > “Development” > “Performance” and click the “Clear all caches” button.

Step 5

Using the Custom Token Your custom token is now ready for use. You can use it in various places, such as node content or email templates, by using the following syntax: [custom:registration_date].


Creating custom tokens in Drupal allows you to enhance your website’s functionality and provide dynamic content to your users.


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