Step By Step Guide : Sending Emails in Spring Boot

Using the JavaMailSender interface, Spring Boot offers a simple method for sending emails. You may send an email with Gmail transport layer security by utilizing the spring boot restful web API.
STEP 0: Add the Spring Boot Starter Mail dependency to your project

STEP 1: Configuring mail settings in
In the file, configure the mail settings. Your email server’s host, port, username, and password are all listed here.

STEP 1.0: Generate spring.mail.password
The general steps to generate a password from Gmail are as follows:
STEP 1.1: Go to Gmail and click Manage your account

STEP 1.2: Go to security and turn on the 2-step verification

STEP 1.3: Click on App passwords and write your app name to generate the password

Use this password for spring.mail.password.
STEP 2: Create a service class and inject the JavaMailSender bean
Use the JavaMailSender to create and send the email using the SimpleMailMessage or MimeMessage classes.
A simple mail message typically consists of the message body, subject line, sender’s, and recipient’s addresses. The format could change depending on the email program or service being used.

STEP 3: Call the method to send an email to the desired recipient with the desired subject and message body
Autowired the EmailService. Here, I am using the example to trigger an e-mail when a seller gets registered. Set the subject and message as per your need. Email will be entered by the user, or you can set it by yourself.
String Subject = “E-Commerce Application | Seller Account Notification”; String Email = seller.getEmail(); String Message = “Hi “ + seller.getFirstName() + “, \n Your Seller Account setup completed \n” + “WAIT FOR APPROVAL\n” + seller.getEmail(); emailService.sendEmail(Email, Subject, Message);

So, as soon as the seller registers himself/herself, this email will be sent to the specified email.

Above is the sample email that will be sent.
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