Exploring Lazy Loading with Blazy Module in Drupal

10 / Feb / 2024 by Rohit Rana 0 comments


Lazy loading is a technique used to defer the loading of non-critical resources (such as images) on a webpage until they are needed. This can significantly improve page load times and user experience, especially on pages with large or numerous images. In Drupal, the Blazy module provides a convenient way to implement lazy loading for images, videos, and iframes.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the Blazy module, its features, the installation process, and how to use it to implement lazy loading on your Drupal website.

What is a Blazy Module?

Blazy is a Drupal module that provides lazy loading functionality for images, videos, iframes, and other media elements.

It uses the Blazy library, a lightweight and flexible lazy loading script, to load media elements only when they come into view, improving page performance and reducing bandwidth usage.

Features of Blazy Module

Lazy loading for images, videos, iframes, and other media elements.

Support for responsive images and lazy loading background images.

Customizable settings for lazy loading threshold, offset, and animation effects.

Integration with Drupal’s image styles for dynamic resizing of lazy-loaded images.

Compatibility with popular Drupal modules like Views, Media, and Field Formatters.

Installation and Configuration

Install the Blazy module through the Drupal admin interface or via the Drush command line:

drush pm-download blazy
drush en blazy

Configure Blazy settings under Configuration > Media > Blazy settings.

Adjust lazy loading options such as threshold, offset, animation effects, and image styles to fit your site’s requirements.

Implementing Lazy Loading with Blazy

Add lazy loading to images by editing image fields.

Apply lazy loading to videos and iframes by configuring media embedding settings or using dedicated modules like Video Embed Field.

Customize lazy loading behavior and appearance using Blazy’s extensive configuration options.

Best Practices and Considerations

Test lazy loading performance across different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and optimal user experience.

Monitor website performance metrics before and after implementing lazy loading to measure its impact on page load times and user engagement.

Regularly update the Blazy module and its dependencies to benefit from bug fixes, security patches, and new features.


The Blazy module offers a simple yet powerful solution for implementing lazy loading of images, videos, and iframes on Drupal websites. By deferring the loading of non-critical media elements until they are needed, Blazy helps improve page load times, reduce bandwidth usage, and enhance the overall user experience. Consider integrating Blazy into your Drupal projects to optimize performance and make your website more efficient. Check out our other blog posts for more insights.


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