Artificial Intelligence and Gen AI

07 / Mar / 2024 by Monu Khan 0 comments

Artificial Intelligence

AI is quite popular and in demand nowadays in the market. Techies and organizations are focusing more on the applications and benefits of AI. Artificial Intelligence is on everyone’s mind, and multiple industries, including B2B marketing, are lining up to see how to take advantage of the wonders of AI.

The first question that comes to our mind is – What is Artificial intelligence?

First thing first, Artificial Intelligence, as the name suggests. 

Artificial – man-made,

Intelligence- the ability to understand, learn and think.

Hence, Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines or software built or developed by humans. It is making machines that can think like humans. It can do things that are considered “smart”. Chatbots are the most common AI use case in business today.

What is generative AI?

GenAI is a type of Artificial Intelligence that creates new content based on what it has learned from existing content.

Generative AI is a branch of AI that enables machines to create original content, such as images, texts and music. Unlike traditional AI systems that rely on predefined rules or explicit data patterns, generative AI leverages complex networks to learn from vast datasets and autonomously generate outputs.

  • A generative model generates new data instances based on a learned probability distribution of existing data.
  • A generative image model takes an image as input and can provide output as text, another image, or video.
  • A generative language model takes text as input and can provide output as more text, an image, audio, or decisions.

Models like PaLM (Pathways Language Model) or LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) ingest very, very large data from multiple sources across the Internet and build foundation language models that we can use simply by asking a question – whether typing it into a prompt or verbally talking into the prompt itself.

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) describes algorithms (such as ChatGPT) that can be used to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Recent breakthroughs in the field have the potential to change the way we approach content creation drastically.


ChatGPT—the GPT for Generative Pre-trained Transformer—is now receiving so much attention. It’s a free chatbot that can generate an answer to almost any question it’s asked. Developed by OpenAI and released for testing to the general public in November 2022, it’s already considered the best AI chatbot ever. And it’s popular too.

The chatbot produces computer code, college-level essays, poems, and even halfway-decent jokes. Others, among the wide range of people who earn their living by creating content, from advertising copywriters to tenured professors, are quaking in their boots.

AI and Generative AI, in particular, are reshaping the landscape of creativity and problem-solving. The ability of machines to autonomously generate content opens up new possibilities and challenges. As we navigate this evolving field, we should remain mindful of its ethical implications.

AI implementation for MSP:

AI can be used in many areas of MSP. One is the AI-enhanced feature “FreddyAI” of Fresh Service to improve the ITSM.

● It resolves incidents and service requests with intelligent virtual agents. Enable virtual agents on Microsoft Teams and Slack for 24/7 humanized and conversational first-level support without increasing overhead for our agents.

● It empowers employees with 24*7 chat support on Microsoft Teams and Slack by integrating with our knowledge base and service catalog for instant responses. Making service experience truly agentless by pairing Virtual agents with Workflow Automation and Orchestration center.

● It provides immediate assistance and efficiently handles high-volume queries on Slack and MS Teams public forums. We can free up agents’ time for high-value work by using a virtual agent to auto-address common questions and to promote self-service.

AI feature of Fresh Service can be used to manage ITSM effectively in TTN.

There are 3 Generative-AI powered features in Fresh Service named Freddy-AI

● Freddy self-service: Instant conversational support for quick resolution Curated and actionable response summaries are sourced and snipped from the knowledge base to solve employees’ queries accurately. Employees receive pointed summaries that match their query instead of a long-form help article. They can quickly take action, saving time lost in reading long articles and improving their productivity. 

● Rephrase option: Works like Grammarly, which suggests better phrases when adding notes or replying through the email feature of Freshdesk.

● Summarize conversation option: It generates a summary of the complete conversation that happened over the ticket since it opened.

● Generate solution articles (KB articles automation): This can generate a proper KB article for the topic we provide from the existing database and past learnings.

● Generate email: if we would like to send an email through Freshdesk, an AI option will generate email content after reading the whole conversation automatically, saving the time and effort we put into writing the content.

● Sentiment analysis: It will reflect the mood of the customer or agent, whether happy or angry, etc, with the help of emoji

● Freddy copilot: Agent productivity and efficiency tools for smart service operations. Enable agents to respond to tickets quickly with auto-generated replies from help articles maintained in our knowledge base. Replies are curated according to the reported issue and summarized from relevant help articles that match the issue.

● Freddy insights: Proactive insights for quick decision-making. In GPT-enabled Freddy Insights, Admin can have new visibility into IT performance with AI-powered conversational inquiries and automatically generated recommendations and reports. 

I would like to know the performance of Agent “Suresh.” So, I can simply write – “Hi, Freddy, I would like to know the performance of agent Suresh for the last week.” Then it will generate a report.

Post-resolution Quality Score

It helps agents with suggestions to improve their performance, and admins analyze their teams at scale.


So, AI eventually can be used in business for multiple benefits, which can help in reducing time and effort & create more productive and fast solutions.


This blog provides basic knowledge and understanding of AI. For deep understanding and learning, you can refer to the sources below.

Artificial Intelligence 2.0: AI, Python, DRL + ChatGPT Prize | Udemy 

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Online Courses, Training and Tutorials on LinkedIn Learning


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