Boosting Drupal 9 Performance: A Step-by-Step Optimisation Guide

29 / May / 2023 by Vinni Kadyan 0 comments


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, ensuring optimal website performance is paramount for user satisfaction and search engine rankings. Drupal 9, a powerful content management system, offers many features. However, it is crucial to optimise its performance for your site’s success. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies and techniques to optimise the performance of your Drupal 9 website. You will find practical steps and helpful screenshots to guide you through the process.

Caching Configuration

Proper caching configuration is a key aspect of optimising Drupal 9 performance. Let’s begin by accessing the performance settings in the Drupal admin panel.

Enable Drupal Caching: Navigate to Configuration > Performance and ensure that the “Caching mode” is set to “Enabled.” This configuration significantly improves page load times.

Enable CSS and JS Aggregation: By enabling aggregation, you can consolidate multiple CSS and JS files into fewer files, reducing the number of HTTP requests made by the browser.

  • Utilising Caching Mechanisms

To further enhance performance, Drupal 9 offers support for various caching mechanisms. Let’s explore these options:

  • Internal Page Caching

Drupal provides a built-in page caching feature. Access Configuration > Performance and enable “Internal Page Cache” to cache pages for anonymous users.

  • External Caching

Consider leveraging external caching mechanisms like Varnish or a content delivery network (CDN) to cache pages and deliver them faster.

Optimizing Images

Images often contribute to slow page load times. Follow these optimization techniques for images in Drupal 9:

  • Image Styles

Utilise Drupal’s Image Styles feature to create presets for different image sizes. This ensures that images are appropriately scaled and compressed based on their usage across your site.

  • Lazy Loading

Implement lazy loading for images, which loads images only when they come into the viewport, thereby reducing the initial page load time.

Minifying CSS and JavaScript

Minifying CSS and JavaScript files significantly reduce their file size, resulting in faster page rendering. Implement the following steps:

  • Enable CSS and JavaScript Compression

Visit Configuration > Performance and enable “Aggregate CSS files” and “Aggregate JavaScript files.”

Optimizing Database Performance

The database plays a critical role in Drupal 9 performance. Consider the following optimizations:

  • Utilize a Caching Backend

Configure Drupal to use a cache backend such as Redis or Memcached for improved database performance.

  • Database Optimisation

Regularly optimise and clean up your database by removing unnecessary data, and unused modules and clearing cache tables.

Enabling HTTP/2

HTTP/2, the latest protocol version, offers improved performance over its predecessor. Follow these steps to enable it:

  • Check Server Support

Verify if your server supports HTTP/2. Online tools like HTTP/2 Test ( can help you check server compatibility.

  • Enable HTTP/2

Contact your hosting provider or server administrator to enable HTTP/2 on your server.


Optimising Drupal 9 performance is crucial for delivering a fast and efficient website experience. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and leveraging built-in features and configurations, you can significantly enhance the speed and responsiveness of your Drupal 9 site.

Remember to regularly monitor and test your website’s performance to ensure ongoing optimization and provide an exceptional user experience. You can also comment down your queries for further discussion.


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