Automation Testing, Technology

Parallel Execution with Selenium Grid

     Selenium Grid for Parallel Execution When we say parallel test execution in Selenium is achieved by Selenium Grid than statement is partly incorrect. Testing Framework like testng is used for parallel test execution Selenium Grid is used for automated testing execution on Distributed systems parallely Selenium Grid...

by Vaibhav Singhal
Tag: Functional Testing

Automation Testing, Technology

Javascript to groovy objects in GEB functional test cases

Use Case While writing functional tests sometimes we need to test whether a certain javascript objects have some particular values. If we have a JavaScript object such as in our page [code] var myObj = { attr1 : 'attr1-val', attr2 : 'attr2-val'}; [/code] then after reaching that page we can execute the below in our GEB spec...

by Aseem Bansal
Tag: Functional Testing

Automation Testing, Testing

Mobile Web Automation with Appium

Appium is an open source tool for mobile application. It is a bridge or we can say in simple terms it is a mediator between PC and mobile. It supports three types of mobile application i.e. native, web application and hybrid. Native Applications are developed for use on a particular device or platform. It is installed directly on a...

by Kimi Agarwal
Tag: Functional Testing

AWS, Technology

AWS Device Farm: A service to test mobile apps on real devices

AWS Device Farms Device Farms is a recently introduced service that can test mobile apps on real devices in the AWS Cloud. Currently, it supports Android and Fire OS apps. This service can be used to improve the quality of testing by running the test on real smartphones and tablets with different hardware, OS versions and form factors. ...

by Ankit Giri
Tag: Functional Testing

Node.js, Technology

Custom matcher for testing with Jasmine

Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. Many Jasmine users only use the default set of matchers which are extremely powerful, yet are unable to meet our requirements when dealing with complicated or custom code. Jasmine provides a wide list of built-in matchers: Arrays: [javascript] ...

by Mohit Tyagi
Tag: Functional Testing

Automation Testing, Testing

Useful Functions for Automation Framework using Selenium Web Driver

While doing automation using selenium, there are certain repetetive tasks that we need to perform in order to handle page elements. So, the aim of this blog is to highlight some common operations that we need to handle every now and then. Some operations are: 1. Open URL in different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) 2. Do mouse-hovers ...

by Sumit Gambhir
Tag: Functional Testing

Automation Testing, Grails

Handing Browser Alert Box Using Selenium Web Driver

Recently while working on selenium I have come across in a situation where browser dialog box are the show stopper to validate 'Login/Registration/Forgot Password etc.' modules, though we are considering such cases as design issues. However we need to deal with it to learn something new, fortunately I have got the solution to handle...

by Anurag Tiwari
Tag: Functional Testing


Introduction To Mocha [Part-1]

  Introduction To Mocha Recently I have started learning MochaJs for unit testing of my NodeJs application. Although is very well documented and refine in its own. But that is most respect to Mocha itself. I tried and created lots of example so that it can relate to NodeJs. Before starting further, Clone/download...

by Deepak Vishwakarma
Tag: Functional Testing


Using Modules to avoid structures repetition in Geb Test Pages

Using modules in Geb testing can help to avoid repetition of same code/ sections in Geb test pages. In this blog I want to talk about repeating data structures such as tables and how to avoid this repition by modelling them.In Geb testing if there is some content which is used in multiple pages then we can make its definition reusable by...

by Gunpreet
Tag: Functional Testing


Grails Functional Testing: Uploading a file using G-Func plugin

At Intelligrape we face many challenges while developing web-applications. One of the small challenge was to test the web pages that contains file input field <input type="File">(to upload files). After few hours drilling with Canoo webtest plugin I decided to use the new fabulous plugin, Grails functional Testing by Marc Palmer...

by Chandan Luthra
Tag: Functional Testing