
Few Simple steps for integrating Rabbit MQ with Grails

Rabbit MQ as defined by is a robust messaging for applications. We used RabbitMQ to achieve asynchronous communication between two parts of the application. I would like to share the same in a step by step fashion. Here are few simple steps that I followed to make my grails application use rabbitmq: 1.Install...

by Mohd Farid
Tag: jms


Grails JMS Plugin and Redelivery Policy

On a project, we needed to configure the redelivery mechanism for the JMS queue. That is, a poisonous message was to be sent to a Dead Letter Queue if a set number of attempts failed, so that the other messages in the queue could be processed. The JMS Plugin version used was 0.5 Merely configuring ActiveMQ for setting up a Dead Letter...

by Vivek Krishna
Tag: jms