AWS CodeDeploy – A Sample Walkthrough

AWS has unveiled several new services and tools to the existing AWS services at its re:Invent 2014 conference in Las Vegas. In this blog, let's take a closer look at AWS CodeDeploy, a brand new service aimed for code management and deployment and walk through the process of  setting up and deploying an application. AWS...

by Ishant Kumar
Tag: aws s3


Automating deployment of a static website hosted on Amazon S3

Most of us know how to host a static website on Amazon S3, but to deploy the website you would need to run the AWS Cli command everytime manually. In this blog I'll show you how to automatically deploy your website while maintaining version control of your project using server side hook provided by Git. Prerequisite : Git Aws...

by ravi
Tag: aws s3


S3 Bucket Permission

Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) allows its customer to maintain full control over who has access to their data with the help of its Identity Access Management (IAM) service and S3 bucket policies. For example, using Bucket Permission, one can give only reading access to one user, whereas using same permission/policy options, he...

by abhishek.tomar
Tag: aws s3