Manual Testing, Testing

API Testing Using Postman

APIs act as the digital messengers that allow different parts of a software program to talk to each other and share information. They're like the translators at a conference, ensuring smooth communication between people speaking different languages. In modern software development, APIs are essential because they make it possible for...

by Kritika Sahni
Tag: #ManualTesting

Automation Testing, Java

Comparing Selenium 3 and Selenium 4: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction As the software testing world evolves, it is important for developers and testers to stay updated with the latest technologies and tools. One such tool is Selenium, a popular open-source testing framework that automates web browsers. With the recent release of Selenium 4, many developers wonder what improvements have been...

by Avinash Kumar
Tag: #ManualTesting

Manual Testing, Testing

Can ChatGPT replace software testing?

The world is continuously amazed by ChatGPT and its applications. Every day multiple people post the applications of ChatGPT in various industries, including marketing, copywriting, sales, operations, and more. While we thought about ChatGPT for software testing, we had mixed opinions.  Although we are confident in its advantages...

by Ansha .
Tag: #ManualTesting