Big Data

No Code Data Ingestion Framework Using Apache-Flink 

The conveyance of data from many sources to a storage medium where it may be accessed, utilized, and analyzed by an organization is known as data ingestion. Typically, the destination is a data warehouse, data mart, database, or document storage. Sources can include RDBMS such as MySQL, Oracle, and Postgres. The data ingestion layer...

by vikas.duvedi
Tag: postgres


Create game Leaderboard using sqlProjection

Recently I was working on a Facebook game application using Grails 2.0 and Postgres database. The use case was to show the game leaderboard with ranks of the players. Players with same score should be given same rank and next player rank should be incremented rank of last player. Here is the sample data for players and expected result: ...

by Bhagwat Kumar
Tag: postgres