AngularJS, Front End Development

Angular + SEO

There's a phase in every project when development reaches its completion and next step is to make it search engine friendly. When I had to do this task in my project, at that time I was a little bit confident that this is a very simple task and we just need to set meta tags and some other html tags so that google can crawl easily. But...

by Rubi Saini
Tag: SEO


10 Ultimate Ways to Optimize Your Videos on YouTube

  YouTube being the second-largest search engine, it owns the most videos shared and watched within social networks like Facebook and Twitter. YouTube has over 4 billion videos being viewed every single day and has 60 hours of video being uploaded every minute. When it comes to the video market, YouTube is the biggest giant! A...



Video SEO – Key to online video services

With fall in viewership across traditional television channels, video content owners are looking to augment their revenue from digital Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms such as YouTube, Hulu etc. Video content owners who are serious on setting up a sustainable revenue stream from digital platforms, need a clear focused digital strategy....

by Sachin Mohan
Tag: SEO

Grails, Technology

What is Google Web Optimization, How to use or apply it in your project?

Recently as part of POC, I need to apply the Google web optimizer on various parts of the page to determine which content user clicked to best and will be most effective in getting conversions. For this you need to keep track of the various conversions, but how? That's where Google web optimizer come handy, providing reports based on...

by Tarun Pareek
Tag: SEO