
Using Git Rebase

Working on a cool project, doing cool and unusual stuff has its own charms and challenges. For doing cool things, you need cool tools to play with and Git surely is one of the coolest ones around. One of the many powerful features of git is rebase. While working on a large project, you almost always develop your feature on a new...

by Sachin
Tag: git branching


Git – How to Change Master Branch

While working on Git with a big team, there are chances that a situation might arise when you want to set some other branch as master branch.Recently we were in a same situation. Several of branches were merged to master branch. And unfortunately one of the branches merged was created from an unstable branch. Making our master branch...

by Hitesh Bhatia
Tag: git branching


git branching model: choose branches for deletion – see whats remaining for the merge

This post is for people who are already familiar with Git and work on multiple branches (esp. feature branches). By practice, feature branches are the branches created from a root branch (master or any other as per your branching model) and once feature is complete/tested - they are merged back into the same root branch. Working in...

by Salil
Tag: git branching


Creating a New Git Branch on the Local Machine and Pushing it to a Remote

Our project went into production a few weeks back and was on Grails 1.3.1. Since the code was stable, we decided that it was time to upgrade to grails 1.3.4. However, we didn't want to push it straight to the QA Server or Production server because that would've meant that the maintenance of the existing production code would become a...

by Vivek Krishna
Tag: git branching