Front End Development, Technology

Micro Frontend Architecture – microservices pattern to the frontend

What is microfrontend? A microfrontend is a concept and architectural approach in software development that involves breaking down a frontend monolith into smaller, more manageable and independent components. Each of these components is called a microfrontend. This approach is inspired by the principles of microservices, where the...

by Vipin Kumar
Tag: #technology

Anaytics, B2C

Salesforce Boom In Every Sector/Services Industry

Today, we’re talking about Salesforce (a cloud-based CRM software), a relatively well-versed tool in the market that has attracted attention not only to any one specific industry but also making its huge impact on real estate, banking, legal, eCommerce, education, and charity organizations. Combines everything that businesses need from...

by Archit Agarwal
Tag: #technology