
Custom ‘Share’ button on Facebook wall post

Hi, In one of my Grails project, i needed to have Share feature on the messages/post published by our application on facebook wall. In Facebook, if the message/text published is simple text, then Share link appears on it, but if it contains any link/URL attached to it, then Facebook do not provides Share button on it. To...

by Vishal Sahu
Tag: Facebook


Way to check if user has “Liked” the Facebook Fan Page or Not

Hi, In my recent grails project, i was working on creating Apps for Facebook Fan Page and needed to show data to the user in such a way so that if he/she has "Liked" the page, then the content would be different from the case when the user has not liked it. In simple words, if user is Fan of any Facebook Page, then the content of App...

by Vishal Sahu
Tag: Facebook


Install Apps on Facebook Fan page using API

Hi, In my current grails project, we are using Facebooks Apps for our application so that any user who wish to use that app, can attach it with his/her Facebook Fan Page manually by visiting the App Profile Page and then adding it to the Fan Page. Then the attached facebook app can fetch data from our project. But few days ago,...

by Vishal Sahu
Tag: Facebook