Ketan Joshi

Ketan Joshi is a seasoned Senior DevOps Engineer at TO THE NEW, bringing a wealth of expertise accumulated over three years with the organization. He is currently working in ANZ BU and is proficient in a diverse array of CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, Octopus, GoCD, and Buildkite. He has played a pivotal role in optimizing and streamlining development pipelines. His proficiency extends into the realm of containerization and orchestration, where he excels in leveraging technologies like Kubernetes to enhance scalability and efficiency. His proficiency also encompasses various AWS services, reflecting his adeptness in cloud computing solutions. With a strong command of Linux environments, he navigates complexities with finesse, ensuring robust and reliable systems. His commitment to staying at the forefront of technology trends underscores his dedication to delivering cutting-edge solutions in the ever-evolving field of DevOps. His collaborative approach and problem-solving skills make him an invaluable asset to the TO THE NEW team.


K8s Cluster Setup using Kubeadm with Bare-minimum Configurations

Introduction Kubernetes is a powerful tool for managing containerized applications. It helps us to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of our applications in containers, which are like lightweight, standalone packages for software. In the market, multiple tools are available to set up Kubernetes clusters locally (on our...



Running Docker Inside Docker Container using Custom Docker Image

Introduction and Scenario There are various use cases for running Docker inside a host Docker container, which we will mention later on, but one of the use cases that often comes in handy is when we run a Docker container as a Jenkins agent. Suppose we want to build and push our application image to any Docker registry, say ECR, and...
