Grails, Technology

Grails 3 – Migrating from Filters to Interceptors

Grails 3 comes with lots of new features and performance improvements, one of them being Interceptors which is a kind of a replacement for Filters from earlier versions of Grails. Filters are used to apply logic across the whole group of Controllers, URI, or to a particular action and are used in most of the Grails projects. ...

by Puneet Behl
Tag: new in Grails 3.0

Grails, Technology

Application configurations setting in Grails 3

Grails has done lot of changes with its latest release in Grails 3, using configuration is one of them. Now we can write application configurations in application.yml and application.groovy as well and to read these property we can need to write the following code. [code] class ExampleController { GrailsApplication...

by Uday Pratap Singh
Tag: new in Grails 3.0