
Making a text vertical aligned in a DIV

Recently in my project I had to implement one page in which an image and the related text had to be shown side by side using the DIV tags, where the text needed to be centered vertically with respect to the image. Example : Let's take a scenario where we cannot use vertical-align with DIV to display the text in center adjacent to the...

by Rajan Shergill
Tag: css


960 Grid System

The 960 Grid system contains 960 pixel width. This is a CSS Framework. There are 3 types of grids in 960 Grid stystem, that is 12-Column Grid 16-Column Grid 24-Column Grid It is in fact based on a very simple and a basic principle of designing – ALIGNMENT. The 960 Grid system comes with framework sheets for designing the...

by Kapil Chotwani
Tag: css


Sprite Up !!! Automate your process of creating sprites.

Hi all, In the past few days, I was given a push to find a suitable method that allowed us to automate the much needed but  painstaking of creating sprites for webpages to improve their performance.The problem was that going through the process of spriting images was a tedious process for a person not used to Photoshop tools...

by Manoj Mohan
Tag: css


clearfix css hack

The clearfix hack, or “easy-clearing” hack, is a useful method of clearing float(left, right) effort. The clearfix hack works great, but the browsers that it targets are either obsolete or well on their way. Specifically, Internet Explorer 5 for Mac is now history, so there is no reason to bother with it when using the clearfix...

by Umar
Tag: css



The HTML <canvas> tag is used for creating graphics on the fly. It can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images.   To draw on the canvas, the <canvas> tag is used in conjunction with the getContext(contextId) method.   Any content between the <canvas></canvas> tags is...

by Umar
Tag: css


Accessing remote fonts on Client’s system by @font-face

@font-face allows authors to specify online fonts to display text on their web pages. By allowing authors to provide their own fonts. We Use it I.We choose  font and  we have right now. First of all  font format generate four another format as like(ttf, eot,otf,svg,woff) and upload server where we access. II. Create in css...

by Umar
Tag: css