AWS, DevOps

Integration of AWS CodeDeploy with Jenkins

We have been working on a scenario where we want to automate testing, build, deploy and revert in one Jenkins job. Currently, we are using separate Jenkins jobs for testing, deploying and reverting the code changes. We would be automating these tasks using AWS CodeDeploy with Jenkins. Jenkins can provide us the functionality to run...

by Parag Gupta
Tag: aws devops

AWS, DevOps

Python Borrowing Resources using Fabric

In my previous blog post, I wrote about Cost Optimizations for the various AWS resources. The script consisted of six methods and the overall time required for the script to execute was roughly about 15-20 mins. While the script is running, it used to slow down my system. Also, there was a time consumption due to many reasons like...

by Aman Jain
Tag: aws devops

AWS, DevOps

6 Tips for AWS Cost Optimization

As we know AWS provides a good edge in terms of cost over the on-premises data center or in a co-location environment with its On Demand and Reserved pricing. As it is rightly said "Reducing the overall cost is a high priority" and it is true for any organization whether big or small. By using AWS we can lower the IT costs, compute...

by Aman Jain
Tag: aws devops

AWS, DevOps

Docker containers and AWS Auto-scaling – Hand in Hand

In my previous blog, I talked about setting up sendmail inside a Docker container. In this blog, we will talk about how to make your Docker containers come up during Auto-scaling of AWS servers, start, and use a service like sendmail inside them. You can make changes to scripts based on your use-case. I just want to make the logic...

by Ranvijay Jamwal
Tag: aws devops

AWS, DevOps

AWS CodeCommit

AWS has recently launched a new service which is now available generally. AWS CodeCommit is the service we would be talking briefly about in this blog. AWS CodeCommit hosts private Git repositories. You can Store code & any other type of file with AWS CodeCommit. It follows Git standards & can be used with other  tools for...

by Ranvijay Jamwal
Tag: aws devops

AWS, DevOps

Jenkins – Implementing Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy

In one of my recent projects, while working on Jenkins, I was required to create and implement a Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy. Installation of Jenkins is a simple task, but it took me a while to implement this strategy and later I found it quite easy enough and thought of writing a blog. Project-based Matrix...

by Navjot Singh
Tag: aws devops

AWS, DevOps

Load Blancing of Amazon RDS Read Replica

AWS provide some intensive services and these are easily manageable and as being admin there is less overhead to scale up your application infrastructure. In automated deployments if we are planing to horizontally scale your database, with help of a single click we can populate read replica of our running database. But to handle large...

by Rajdeep Singh
Tag: aws devops

AWS, DevOps

Change ssh key-pair of Running EC2 Instance

Sometimes we get the requirement to change the key-pair for some security reasons. In this article, we will be changing the key pair of running EC2 instances. Steps: 1. Create a new key pair from AWS Console. 2. Generate Public key from newly created key pair ( Private Key ). 3. Paste the generated public key ( from Step 2 ) in...

by Vikash Jha
Tag: aws devops