AWS, DevOps

Launching an AWS EC2 instance using CloudFormation Template

AWS CloudFormation is a  service which gives us the flexibility to manage and provision our AWS resources. It gives us the option to choose sample templates or to design our custom templates to launch and provision the resources. It also gives the option of AWS CloudFormation Designer using which the templates are visualized. I have...

by Mohit Dayal Gupta
Tag: aws

AWS, DevOps

AWS SES Integration for Java Applications

Use Case I came across a use-case, where I had to integrate Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) to send transactional emails from a JAVA application using my own registered domain. This blog will guide the reader through the basic steps required for setting up or integrating Amazon SES with my JAVA application. About Amazon SES It...

by Mayank Negi
Tag: aws

Agile, AWS

Introduction to Spinnaker – Global Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery is the term that comes with agile methodology. You want to make changes frequently and deliver them without hassle onto production environment. Spinnaker is a Continuous delivery platform developed by Netflix that can make your way easy. According to the official website: "Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud...

by Raghu Sharma
Tag: aws

AWS, DevOps

Leveraging AWS Data Pipeline To Easily Move Relational Data Between AWS, On-Premise Or Other Services

In today's time of data-oriented applications, there is a constant change and challenge in requirements of data onboarding from and to varied sources. You may find yourself stuck between traditional and time-consuming methodologies of data migration. These may incur unnecessary costs and other overheads, eventually affecting the delivery....

by Aakash Agarwal
Tag: aws

AWS, DevOps

Configuring IIS for Application – Windows 2012

This blog aims at basic steps for setting up ASP application(Website) on IIS. The screenshot and steps are mentioned using Windows 2012 server edition. However, the same steps are also valid for Windows 2008 Server. We will be installing .Net 3.5 and 4.5 during the further steps. Steps To Follow 1. Open Server Manager and click add...


AWS, Big Data

What is Amazon Redshift and why you should definitely use it?

So you have spent some odd years of your software development career and now you know many of those RDBMS implementations in and out. In fact, you also already know that RDBMS is not the only enterprise storage and due to frequent scalability issues you encountered, someday you found about Big Data tools. Chances are you were...

by Ajay Sharma
Tag: aws

AWS, DevOps

Control Jenkins Steps With Conditional BuildStep Plugin

If you look forward to Jenkins for most of your development operations then, at some point in time you might have felt the need of something which allows you to condition your steps. Of course, it is not such a good idea to create individual jobs each time you want to run and test specific build step/s. The solution is to use...

by Aakash Agarwal
Tag: aws

AWS, DevOps

Database Migration using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)

AWS DMS is a web service that is used to migrate the databases to and from an Amazon RDS DB instance, or a database on an Amazon EC2 instance, or on-premises. We can migrate data between homogenous or heterogeneous database engines. One of the two endpoints must always be in AWS. The source and target database may be in same VPC or in...

by Shivam Agrawal
Tag: aws

DevOps, Technology

Creating And Importing IAM User to Opsworks

Opsworks is a wonderful SaaS tool provided by AWS which off-loads human driven tasks like managing own chef server, installing agents on each server, creating ssh user(s) even on run-time for the servers and various other benefits. In this blog an IAM User will be created without any CLI credentials, it will be registered with...

by Vaibhav Gulati
Tag: aws

DevOps, Technology

Empower Vagrant with Chef

Vagrant is a development friendly tool to make easy creation of development environments. In its own words it "Creates and configures lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments". Today we are going to learn how we can use chef-zero to provision guest OS for the development environment. We are not going to explore...

by Rajdeep Singh
Tag: aws

AWS, DevOps

Deploy Code using AWS CodeDeploy and GitHub

The much talked about AWS CodeDeploy is being used as a daily deployment tool. According to AWS "AWS CodeDeploy coordinates application deployments to Amazon EC2 instances, on-premises instances, or both. (On-premises instances are physical devices that are not Amazon EC2 instances.)" On-premise support came in mid-2015. AWS CodeDeploy...

by Ranvijay Jamwal
Tag: aws